Meaning behind the name: Mentha

Mentha Nutrition Counseling, LLC is named after plants in the mint family. These herbs are known for their healing properties, resilient growing patterns, and delicious flavors.  In my practice, I take inspiration from mentha and strive to help my clients cultivate a way of eating that brings nourishment and joy.  

Mentha is the genus name of the various kinds of mint plants, including peppermint, spearmint, chocolate mint, pineapple mint, etc. In all, mentha includes about 600 kinds of mint! I’ve barely scratched the surface of mint flavors, but it is amazing how different they can taste from one another. I named my nutrition business after mentha for several reasons, not least of which because I simply love mint in its many forms. It has such a fun flavor, especially paired with chocolate -mint chocolate chip ice-cream, anyone?? As a nutrition therapist, I strive to help others find joy in preparing, eating, and sharing food. For me, mentha is a simple reminder that food can bring joy.

Mint is also a symbol for me, one of strength and perseverance, new life and hope. I lived in New Hampshire for several years, and the snow would pile high every winter, on top of my small garden containing several kinds of mint.  Every year after the snow finally melted away, the mint would be the first green thing to come back to life, amazing me with its resilience. Sure, some consider mint to be a weed, but I love the tenacious things.

And finally, mint has a special place in my heart as a nutrition therapist because of its healing properties. Like many others, I have benefited from drinking peppermint tea to soothe stomach discomfort, nausea, and pain. I was naturally drawn toward this healing herb for inspiration for my own nutrition practice. Just as mint is a balm for discomfort, it is my hope that this practice will facilitate healing for clients around their relationship with food and their body.